Recognize your inner drivers - For more productivity and less stress
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"Try harder!", "Hurry up!", "Be perfect!"—do these voices sound familiar? They are often deeply ingrained beliefs that can drive us toward stress. Are you aware of the inner beliefs that might be pushing you too hard?
In this event, we will dive into the five most common internal stressors that affect many of us. Through a brief reflection exercise, you’ll identify which of these stressors resonate most with you. Plus, you’ll learn practical strategies to counteract them by fostering positive beliefs, helping you bring more calm and relaxation into your daily life.
What to expect:
- Common inner stressors: Identify which inner drivers may be contributing to your stress.
- Reflection exercise: Recognize your personal stressors and any limiting beliefs you hold.
- Counter-strategies: Learn effective ways to replace negative beliefs with positive, productive ones.
This session is ideal for anyone looking to cultivate a more balanced and productive mindset. Join us to understand and overcome inner drivers that may be limiting your peace and productivity!
Dieses Event wurde von Evermood erstellt und zuletzt am aktualisiert.
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