Let’s Talk About It: Destigmatization for Greater Acceptance
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Mental health is a central part of our societal health debate and is being discussed more openly than ever before. Yet, prejudices and uncertainties remain widespread—both in interactions with others and in dealing with our own mental well-being.
In this event, we are committed to breaking the stigma, raising awareness, and fostering a deeper understanding of mental health conditions. Together, we aim to promote openness, empathy, and acceptance.
What to Expect:
- What is stigma? Understand how biases form and how we can work together to break them down.
- Providing help and finding support: Learn how to support those affected with empathy while also taking care of yourself.
- Fighting (self-)stigmatization together: Discover how we, as a society, can contribute to greater openness and acceptance.
Through knowledge and dialogue, we can create an environment where mental health can be discussed openly and without shame.
Let’s talk about it – for more understanding, support, and acceptance!
Dieses Event wurde von Evermood erstellt und zuletzt am aktualisiert.
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- Stress
- Emotionale Belastung
- Kommunikation